Sup·ple·ment: Something that completes or makes an addition.

These are food products. These are not medical drugs; these are not designed to replace anything; and, these do not excuse your actions (or lack thereof). Few are truly natural and require some type of processing to produce a conveniently consumable form. Some lack long-term examination and others are based on anecdotal evidence. So what good are they?

Unique individuals have an inability to absorb or retain specific nutrients. For them, supplementation can be crucial. For the majority of us, substantial benefits are rare.

Genetics and lifestyle are factors but the main influence is education. It’s imperative to connect with your body, appreciate how it is distinctive and how the choices you make affect its transformation. A tree does not stand deprived of roots. Give it all the Miracle-Gro® you want, it will fall. If you do not sustain a nutritional foundation of clean eating, then there is little for supplements to support. If that’s the case, then stop reading. You have other fundamentals to comprehend. Otherwise, if you’re prepared to make changes or already on the path, let’s get to the particulars.

I’ve listed the products in order of most to least important. It will take trial and error to determine how well your body will respond to each. This includes dosage strength and nutrient timing as well as the quality and potency of the brand you select. Also, it helps to have input from your primary care physician. A general blood screening will highlight any particular deficiencies, and you need to be aware of possible prescription drug interactions.

Please remember that these are just suggestions. My absolute, essential source for nutrients is real, wholesome food.

Fish Oil

Specifically, it’s the omega-3 essential fatty acids in fish oil that are valuable. There are vegan sources, such as flax seed oil; however, they are not as potent.

These acids are attributed to improving a plethora of physical conditions. Most are related to heart, circulatory, brain functions and inflammation.

Start with a low dose and gradually increase over a two- to three-month period to about 1,000 milligrams per day. Too much too soon can be a shock to your system, and you may suddenly find your intestines purging.

Many of you are concerned with smelling, tasting, and/or burping up something fishy. Quality capsules, such as Barlean’s and Carlson, are odorless and will move past the stomach before releasing to be absorbed through the intestinal wall.

Vitamin D

The “sunshine vitamin” has been neglected, and more convincing studies are correlating the prevalence of chronic diseases and vitamin D deficiencies.

Several medical professionals are recommending between 2,000 to 5,000 IU daily, which significantly higher than doses contained in multivitamin blends. Most labels are listed as D3 and high doses come in very small capsules.


Even exceptional eating plans can fall short of meeting the body’s nutrient necessities, especially with the declining quality of an industrialized food supply. There is an abundance of brands for a lot of different physiques. It’s not necessary to find one with the highest overall doses and variety of ingredients. Efficacy improves with lower doses spread throughout the day, and your body probably only desires the basics. Males need to avoid brands with iron unless you are anemic, vegetarian, or vegan.


There are about seven major trace minerals needed by the body. For instance, most people will benefit from additional magnesium; it is involved with hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body. The majority are associated with muscle, nerve and immune system health. It’s very important to keep the doses low and spread out because magnesium is also a laxative.

There are also about nine trace minerals needed by the body. A little extra zinc couldn’t hurt. Its involved in cellular metabolism and more than 100 enzymes. It’s more commonly known for immune system support and doses are low.


This last category is purely circumstantial. There are not enough medically-supported, long-term studies to vindicate supplementation of herbs. It’s up to you to experiment with herbs. Various cultures have documented the use throughout their history, but none of it is definitive.

Let me preface this first duo by saying that this is not justification to eat sugar or “carb out.” Fenugreek and cinnamon are receiving growing attention for blood sugar support. Studies are focusing around alternative treatments for diabetes. If you have or are working on reducing your refined carbohydrate intake, then these two herbs may assist your efforts by slowing your body’s insulin response to such foods.

Licorice root provides adrenal gland support. This is where the cortisol is produced. Unhealthy levels of this stress hormone can lead to excess abdominal body fat. Milk thistle provides liver support. Our busy lifestyles, poor nutrition and lower food quality taxes the liver to maintain balance in the body. You may not notice any changes in your overall health with any of these, but your doctor will on your next visit. Just pay close attention to how you feel and how your body responds.

For more information on supplements and/or The Body Lab, visit