Many people struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep. If you’re one of the 50-70 million Americans who suffers from insomnia, you may be benefited by adding a new relaxation technique into your nighttime routine. Finding ways to decompress after a long day is integral to quality sleep.

While there are many options to choose from, like a long walk or a sound bath, another effective way to relax is through gentle stretching.

Stretching has numerous benefits including stress reduction, alleviating muscle tenson, and increasing blood flow and circulation. Firstly, stretching is an excellent way to relax. Stress can disrupt sleep by increasing cortisol, making it more difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. Stretching activates your parasympathetic nervous system, making it easier to fall asleep. Additionally, stretching can alleviate muscle tension, providing relief from aches and pains that might disrupt your sleep. Stretching also improves blood flow, ensuring vital nutrients and oxygen reach your muscles and joints. This increased circulation aids in muscle recovery while you catch some ZZZs.

If you’re looking to fall asleep faster, improve your sleep quality, and avoid sleep-related pain, consider adding the following stretches into your bedtime routine.

Child’s Pose

Arizona StretchLab Franchise Owner Jennifer Gage has opened six of 10 Arizona locations in the Valley.

This stretch helps you relax while easing tension in your neck and back. Come down on your knees and sit back on your heels. Fold your body forward so your forehead is resting on the floor. Reach your arms out in front of you and hold the pose while breathing deeply for a few minutes.

Thoracic Cat/Cow Stretch

This stretch can help alleviate tightness in your back. Begin with your hands and knees in a tabletop position. Inhale deeply while arching your back and lifting your chest toward the ceiling. Then, as you exhale, round your spine toward the ceiling and tuck your chin to your chest. Repeat this fluid movement for 8-10 breaths.

Neck Stretch

This stretch can improve stiffness in the neck and can help prevent waking up with soreness. Sit down and take your right hand to the top of your head or to your left ear. Bring your right ear towards your right shoulder, holding this position. Then, repeat on the opposite side.

Reclining Bound Angle Pose

This is a hip-opening stretch that can relieve tension in your hips and groin. Sit on the floor with the soles of your feet together. Lay back so that your back is pressed to the floor and your feet remain in the same position. Hold this pose while breathing deeply for a few minutes.

Spending just a few minutes stretching before bed can help you release muscle tension and induce relaxation. These stretches target key muscle groups that commonly hold tension This practice not only soothes your mind but also alleviates physical discomfort, which in turn can enhance sleep quality.

So, before you settle in for the night, take a moment to stretch and welcome the tranquility that awaits you.

If you struggle with stretching on your own or are unsure of which stretches would help you get better sleep, a certified Flexologist from StretchLab can assist you with a customized routine that targets the areas of your body that need it most. You can make an appointment with a Flexologist today by visiting

Author: Arizona StretchLab Franchise Owner Jennifer Gage has opened six of 10 Arizona locations in the Valley—Arcadia, Scottsdale Ranch, Gainey, Desert Ridge, North Scottsdale and Paradise Valley. StretchLab is the first boutique health and wellness franchise that offers one-on-one assisted stretching services in a fun, energetic and communal environment. To learn more about StretchLab, visit