With only a few produced and processed annually, pink diamonds are some of the rarest gems in the world. Whether they are faintly or intensely colored, they are still some of the most sought after precious metals used in exclusive jewelry. There are historical traces of such diamonds being found in Brazil, Canada, South Africa, and India. However, the majority of the world’s pink diamonds are mined in the Argyle Mine in Western Australia.
With their rarity and exceptional beauty, such products are not only the priciest but are also the most coveted types of diamonds. Not much has been put forward guiding potential buyers on what to look for when purchasing these rare diamonds.
Buying them can be a daunting experience as you may not understand much about how to pick the best. Keep reading our buying guide for pink diamonds to get the answers on what to consider when buying these rare diamonds.
Evaluating the color of pink diamonds
There is more to look for other than just the color pink when buying such diamonds. During a color evaluation, there are three major factors to consider; hue, tone, and saturation.
This is the visible color of the diamond – whatever your eyes can see. The primary hue of a pink diamond is pink (of course). However, other secondary hues can be found in the same diamond. There are pink diamonds that do not have any secondary shades in them and are more expensive than those with them.
In essence, if a pink diamond has any secondary hues, the ones which enhance the primary color are pricier than the ones which detract it. Colors that add value to a pink diamond are purple and orange. Brown is mostly known to reduce the worth of the diamond.
This is a characteristic that guides you on how dark or light a fancy diamond is. Stones that have a defined tone are more desirable hence pricier compared to those without a discernible primary color.
Pink diamonds, for instance, are graded with categories such as; Faint Pink, Very Light Pink, Light Pink, Fancy Light Pink, Fancy Pink, Fancy Intense Pink, Fancy Vivid Pink, Fancy Dark Pink, and Fancy Deep Pink.
Saturation stands for the intensity of the diamond’s color. Diamonds that have a more intense color are more expensive. As a rule of thumb, pink diamonds which have a more intense saturation will cost more than those with a faint one.
Carat Weight
Bigger pink diamonds are scarce and are proportionally more expensive when bought. If aiming for a 0.3 – 0.4-carat diamond, be ready to pay lots of money for it. Keep in mind that the colored diamonds which have a 0.5 carat or higher are more expensive and rarer to find.
Natural or treated?
Natural pink diamonds are very rare and quite pricy. As a result, vendors have resorted to processing synthetically colored stones, which are more affordable.
Some vendors even subject naturally colorless diamonds to HPHT/High-Pressure High-Temperature or Irradiation to alter the color.
Synthetic pink diamonds which are manufactured in labs are also inexpensive, despite having the same chemical structures as the natural stones.
Before buying any pink diamonds, ensure that you are provided with their certification indicating whether the diamonds are natural, synthetic, or have been altered to change their color.