With the pandemic now almost under control, especially with the vaccines coming out, the demand for travel is about to explode. This is a perfect time to position yourself to not just travel, but actually getting paid to travel.
During the past few years, especially with social media, the number of solo travelers have reached another level.
So many singles and couples are now travelling on their own, recording where they’re going and are actually getting paid for it. This is all thanks mostly YouTube and under social media channels.
The whole idea is to record what you’re doing, and give a nice overview of where you are. If you’re doing a great job, it will most likely lead to a lot of things. Which will naturally translate into real monetization.
So many travellers or “travelpreneur” as they are known, just started recording their travels and after some time, started making money off their travelling too. You may need to get a payday loan to purchase a camera but maybe not.
For some, becoming a professional traveler may come really easy, and for some it may just be the most difficult. Either way, the whole idea is to do something that naturally flows through you.
If travelling is what it is, then most likely, it will resonate with other people, and your channel or following will eventually start to grow. Whether you are just travelling within Canada or a whole bunch of other countries.
Here we would like to offer a few suggestions that may or may not work for you.
Don’t make a travelling channel for others, make something that you would enjoy. The whole idea is to do something that comes to you naturally, if you try to chase money, then you’ll be chasing it all your life.
Nothing ever comes to you if you chase it. So just be yourself. Be in touch with your inner self and great things will flow through you.
Also don’t get too attached to something. Even the idea of travelling for a living.
Who knows, maybe travelling is not meant for you. So just be open to possibilities and go from there. This can be very hard by the way, especially if you’ve been thinking about travelling and getting paid for a long time.
Whenever you get attached to an idea for a long time, it gets really hard to let it go.
No matter what situation you’re in, make sure you love yourself first and it’s okay if you want to let something go and cry it out. Crying is healing / releasing and it will help you get in touch with what you really want to do. Plus who knows, it could very well be travelling.
This brings us to another interesting offer that would like to share with you.
Don’t do it just for the money. Travelling and getting paid is great but travelling on its own is incredible.
There is nothing like learning new cultures and finding out how connected we truly are. When you travel, you learn so much about others but also yourself.
You see nature’s true beauty and sometimes the opposite of it. Also, the end of the day it’s just a great learning experience. If you naturally feel like picking up the camera and sharing all that stuff with other people, then absolutely go for it.
However, if it’s out of desperation to make money, or out of the “need” for improving your finances, then it may or may not be the right thing for you.
So no matter what you do, make sure you do it from the heart.
Weather it’s just travelling, or trying to get paid while travelling.