About 30% of fish of the entire fish population is vegetarian. Although, there are many instances of omnivorous fish in the aquarium sector preferring an herbivorous diet. This category of fish seems to happily accept a vegan diet, consisting of vegetables, fruits and flowers.

However, you must keep one thing in mind. Before the selection of veggies you are thinking of feeding your aquarium fish, you need to properly identify their requirements. Fish like African Cichlid, Loaches, Gouramis, Mollies, Pacu fish, Silver Dollars and more prefer vegetables, hence it becomes their requirement. On the other hand, fish species like some Plecos, Guppies, Goldfish can be tamed easily to consume a vegan diet and survive without facing any kind of scarcity or linked repercussions.

Cutting to the chase, now we know some fish do not even have a must-protein demand with or without taming. Providing them with a rich vegetarian diet can also be convenient in many ways. So, let us help you by naming the best choices you can feed suggested by fisharoma fishkeeping experts:

Green Peas

The green peas make up to be a really good choice of vegetable, when you are trying to feed your aquarium fish. Make sure to get rid of the pod and only feed them with the peas. You can either boil them a little before feeding as heat is very beneficial in eliminating germ possibilities. Other, just a nice wash works fine. Peas have many advantages, one of them being easing out digestion. There is some sort of lubrication that is capable of clearing out any kind of remaining food and that alone is very beneficial to the fish’s overall health.

Spinach (Cruciferous)

Spinach is a green leafy vegetable, and any vegetable which is low in carbohydrate and sugar content is a very good feedable option for the fish. In this case, you can either wash them well and feed them or boil, it is up to your personal convenience. Make sure whatever way you’re opting for, is ultimately safeguarding the quality before it is prepared to be fed to your precious aquarium fish. Nevertheless, make sure to chop them, as it makes the leaves easier to feed on.

Cabbage (Cruciferous)

Similarly, in the case of Cabbage as well, don’t forget to chop it. Most importantly, you should boil it or wash it really well with lukewarm water, to get off any foreign elements that can potentially infect and hamper the quality of your feedable. Otherwise, Cabbage, just like Spinach is a very good choice, capable of properly satiating any herbivorous fish or fish with vegan preferences.

Lettuce (Cruciferous)

We recommend you to rip the lettuce leaves into finer fragments, to ease the fish’s feeding process. We suggest you to go for romaine lettuce, fish love that. Wash them well, boil, keep it all in mind before you feed these greens to your precious pet fish. Lettuce specifically may have pesticides, so make sure to entirely get rid of that aspect, as it is detrimental to the fish’s health.


Cucumber by itself has many advantages. Not only is it easily available anywhere in the market, it is a vegetarian feedable that will be relished by your tropical wonders, so residing in the aquarium. Don’t forget to blanch the cucumbers or at least steam them before feeding. Also make sure that the cucumbers are chopped comfortably bite-sized, depending on the fish’s size. It is our suggestion to get rid of the seeds, as it can’t be fed or digested by the fish.

Broccoli (Cruciferous)

It is a known fact that vegetables that come in cans do not need cooking to be fed to the fish. But in the case of broccoli, we recommend you to keep one thing in mind, that is don’t feed them the frozen ones. Frozen broccolis are really tough, which makes it hard for the fish to chew it down even if it is made bite-sized. Cooked or boiled broccoli is the best way you can feed these to your vegan fish.


Just like broccoli, don’t feed your magnificent fish raw cauliflower. Make sure you cook them or boil them till they are soft enough for the fish to feed on. The heat generated as a result of cooking not only softens the target vegetable, but it eliminates any kind of infection-laden possibilities. All in all, it is perfect to feed the fish with veggies of that sort. Don’t forget to chop them into fine pieces, it eases the feeding process, as smaller and finer pieces can be easily consumed by the fish.


It is probably one of the best vegetable choices out there for feeding your vegan fish. Zucchini is rich in many minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and more, which is very important for the health of the fish. Being extremely rich in nutrients like vitamins and anti-oxidants, zucchini fills the health department very well. So chop and clean, ready to feed!


This vegetable has high nutritional value, like it is high in vitamins, fiber, magnesium, riboflavin, potassium and phosphorus. Most of these components are of need, especially when it comes to the fish’s health. Cut them into small pieces for the ease of feeding, don’t forget to wash them before feeding.

Lima Beans

The Lima Beans can be fed as treats to most medium to big sized fish, but don’t forget to break it down for the consumption of smaller fish. It is a very delightful vegan feedable, thus making it a must pick while preparing a diet for your herbivores.


Not all fruits or vegetables need some sort of prior preparation before being served to your fish. Some do just fine being served raw. Carrots, apart from many others, fall in that category. Clean them and chop them into finer slices. Set it up in your aquarium, or slowly distribute, in order to observe your fish enjoy each and every bite of it all.


Pumpkins are rich in nutritional content. Nutrients like riboflavin, copper, potassium, manganese and more enrich the fish’s health by a lot. There is also a little fiber and carbohydrate, which is not harmful and just the right amount to fill in all the health requirements of the fish. Otherwise, the vibrancy of this vegetable makes it easier to attract, hence leading to a smooth feeding process. Make sure you chop them into fine cubes before feeding, as it makes the process itself quite easy and effective.

Surface growth (like Algae)

Most herbivore fish variants love surface growth. In their natural habitat, most types of dwellers seem to feed on them. This also, in turn, is a pretty major ingredient in most fish foods and it makes sense because fish enjoy it so much. Especially, Algae are like a grand treat for most fish that prefer a vegetarian diet.

Some Aquarium Plants Fish May Feed On:

  • Moss balls
  • Cabomba
  • Myriophyllum
  • Ambulia
  • Egeria
  • Rotala
  • Floating plants
  • Hygrophila
  • Aponogeton

Some Fruits Fish May Feed On:

  • Peeled Grapes
  • Chopped Bananas
  • Chunks of Watermelon
  • Chunks of melon

Some Flowers Fish May Feed On:

  • Hibiscus
  • Nymphaea

To conclude, you can also provide your vegan fish with some non-meaty options. This might include algae wafers, vegetable flakes and pellets.