The designer behind the artHAUS project, Jason Boyer, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, has joined Studio Ma as a principal.
Boyer brings a keen eye to the table for pragmatics in his team-based design approach, which yields exceptional results by meeting budget, schedule and technical performance goals while enhancing social, environmental and architectural quality. This dual-objective approach has earned Boyer’s projects twenty-five significant national, regional and local awards to date.
Christiana Moss, AIA, principal at Studio Ma, says the addition of Boyer comes at a time when the firm is looking to grow and diversify its services to respond to market demands for changing how architecture is designed and constructed, particularly as the practices used by commercial real estate developers are adopted by public and private institutions.
“We find our clients seeking more economy-minded solutions to arrive at great designs. We are excited to have Boyer join Studio Ma to better serve our clients to achieve their goals, particularly through new delivery methods such as public private partnerships,” Moss said.
A twenty-year Phoenix resident, Boyer has been active in many professional and civic associations including the Urban Land Institute and American Institute of Architects, where he serves on the Phoenix Metro Chapter Executive Board as President-Elect. Boyer believes good design isn’t about pushing the envelope—it’s about redefining it.
“It’s about looking at things differently until the spark appears. The best project opportunities and today’s public and private clients are looking to align that creative spark to a smart business case,” Boyer said.
Recently, he extended his architectural practice into real estate development. His first design-led venture, artHAUS, a model transit-oriented residential urban infill development built to LEED for Homes standards, will be completed in late Spring 2016. New projects are being evaluated throughout Arizona and other locales.
Boyer received a B.S., Architectural Studies from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and a Master of Architecture with distinction from Arizona State University.