The industrial market is hot, leading the way for both investment and development prospects in 2014 with expected prospects rising to almost the same level as the apartment sector last year.

BOMA International is partnering with BOMA/Greater Phoenix to present its first Industrial Summit on Nov. 5 at the Renaissance Hotel Downtown Phoenix, 50 E. Adams St.

Registrants can hear from leaders in the industrial sector including developers, owners, CEOs, property managers and brokers in this half-day program which kicks off with a networking breakfast. The event is 7:30 to 11:30 a.m. Panelists will cover:

  • Current development opportunities;

  • Market trends and drivers;

  • Property management trends and challenges;

  • Attracting new talent to this growing sector.

Panelists include Bob Hubbard, Vice President, Designated Broker, LBA Realty;
Tony Lydon, National Director Industrial, Supply Chain & Logistics, JLL;
Megan Creecy-Herman, Sr. Director, Liberty Property Trust and NAIOP 2014 Chairman; Mark Bowen, Vice President, Regional Director, DCT Industrial Trust;
Anna Riley, Regional Director of Management, Ryan Companies US; and
Gene Laramee, Director Asset Services, CBRE.

For more information:

Event registration.