The Government Property Lease Excise Tax, more commonly known as the GPLET, will be the topic at the June AZCREW lunch. Leading the discussion will be attorney Grady Gammage Jr.
The GPLET was established by the state of Arizona and is a tool designed to initiate development by reducing a project’s operating costs by replacing the real property tax with an excise tax. Under the state statute, an excise tax is established for the building type of use and is calculated on the gross square footage of the building.
AZCREW, the leading organization for senior-level executive women in the Metro Phoenix real estate field, presents “What You Need to Know about Government Property Lease Excise Tax” June 19 at Phoenix Country Club, 2901 N. 7th St., in Phoenix.
Gammage is one of the founders of Gammage & Burnham. His practice has focused on the political aspects of real estate, development, and public policy. As a zoning attorney he has represented dozens of major commercial projects.
AZCREW’s June lunch begins with networking at 11:30 a.m. The program starts at noon. Early registration for members is $40 ($45 after June 8); non-member pre-registration is $65, $85 at the event. Lunch is included. Register here.