That swish from the arc is beginning to add up. Through the first month of the season, the Phoenix Suns have hit 105 three-pointers, banking a cool $10,500 for the Youth Assistance Foundation. With five months of the season remaining, they are on course to raise more than $60,000 for the non-profit.
It’s all part of the Fulton Homes “Proud to own the Three-Point Zone” program, a partnership between the Tempe-based homebuilder and the Phoenix Suns. With each three-point basket made, the Youth Assistance Foundation receives $100.
“Fulton Homes is dedicated to local charities like the Youth Assistance Foundation and recognizes the good work they do to prevent youth violence, promote good role models and positive interactions with law enforcement,” Doug Fulton, CEO of Fulton Homes, said.
Fulton Homes reunited this fall with the Phoenix Suns to revive the Fulton Homes “Proud to own the Three-Point Zone” program. In previous seasons, Fulton Homes has donated more than $206,000 over five years to local charities through Phoenix Suns Charities. This year’s partnership includes all 80 home and away regular season games broadcast on Fox Sports Net.