People To Know 2011
Honoring the Brightest Stars of Arizona’s CRE Industry
The commercial real estate industry is constantly changing, affecting all levels of employees as well as both large and small companies. Economic circumstances further enhance the industry’s volatility — and the Metro Phoenix and Metro Tucson marketplaces are not immune to those changes.
When we published the first edition of People to Know in 2008, AZRE magazine brought its readers some of the most well-respected and knowledgeable experts in the industry. This year’s edition is no different.
It was quite a feat to track down some people who had moved on, companies that had left the area, and new ones that were coming in, but we have done our best to bring you a useful and informative resource to further support the local industry’s mission of building great communities throughout Arizona. From developers, the new “Up and Comers,” and more, you will find it all within these pages.
This year, nominees were evaluated be a selection committee using the following criteria: length of time in the community; accomplishments in the commercial real estate industry; and work in the community. From the individuals in this publication, AZRE will elect the top person in the industry in their respective category. The winners were honored at a reception May 16 at the former McCormick and Schmicks restaurant at the Esplanade. The industry leaders, announced at the event, will be featured in the July/August 2012 issue of AZRE.
Let us know what you’d like to see, what other information we could include that would be useful, and any other comments you’d like to share with us to make this publication the best it can be.
Peter Madrid, Editor
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