You must have the correct documentation to secure your claim. Insurance claim agents must provide evidence to get the go-ahead to settle. The more complete the documents you provide, the higher the chances of receiving fair and prompt settlement. You will not receive any payment from the insurance company if you cannot support a claim with proper documentation.
Car accident attorneys can help you collect all the necessary records for you. In addition, they will prepare a claim package to send to the insurance companies and negotiate a settlement on your behalf. MG Law has the best semi-truck crash injuries to handle your case and ensure you get your compensation fast.
In this blog post, we will go over some of the essential documents you need to prepare a lawsuit package for a personal injury claim.
These are the types of documentation that you must keep and submit for each category of damage:
Medical Records and Bills
You will need your bills and copies of your medical records to receive compensation for your medical expenses. Be sure to request all medical records of the diagnosis and treatment of your injuries, including diagnostic images such as MRIs and X-rays. You will also need to keep track of out-of-pocket expenses, such as prescriptions and transportation to and from appointments.
Your medical records will establish your injuries and identify their cause in most situations. This is crucial because you need documentation not only to show that you were injured but that you were also injured in the car accident. It is common practice for insurance companies to argue that your injuries were caused by something other than the accident, so your documentation must prove otherwise.
Obtaining medical records from hospitals and larger medical providers can take a few weeks or even months. Often, you will need to review your records or billing departments and then wait for your request to be processed. With smaller hospitals, chiropractors, or physical therapists, you can simply call and ask them to send you all of your accident-related medical records and statements.
Lost Wages
If your injuries from the car accident cause you to miss work, either for treatment or a recovery period, you may be able to receive compensation for the wages you would have earned. As with medical bills, you will need to submit documentation to support any claims you make for lost wages.
Doctor’s Note
Try to get a letter from your doctor that describes your injuries, the treatment you received, and the recovery process you need to heal. You should also explain why your injuries prevented you from working, as well as a recommendation on how long to miss work.
Letter from Your Employer
If you are employed, you should also send a letter from your employer (on company letterhead, if possible), verifying that you missed work. The letter should include your name, job title, the days or hours you missed, your rate of pay, and how many hours you work each pay period.
Pain and Suffering Journal
The damages for pain and suffering are a big part of your claim. The physical and emotional pain you experience and its effect on your quality of life may entitle you to substantial compensation. You should thoroughly document what you are experiencing to ensure that you are fairly reimbursed for your pain and suffering. Consider keeping a journal in which you describe the progression of your injury.
If you’ve been involved in a car accident, you need the help of a car accident attorney who will represent and advise you on the proper steps to take. They will also help you understand the documentation required.