If you are new to the fitness industry, starting a workout routine can be a daunting task, especially if you are obese. But it’s worth the effort because working out can help you lose weight, enhance your mood and improve your overall well-being.

If you are ready to change your fitness story, the tips discussed below will make your weight loss journey easier and more effective.

Get Motivated

A recent study revealed that about 69% of Americans are overweight. Many have made an effort at some point to lose weight, but often their fitness efforts fell flat before they really began. Saying you want to lose weight is not enough to turn things around. 

You need to figure out your motivation to build a super sexy body. Getting motivated is as important as staying motivated. Whatever gives you the burning desire to crush that weight, hang it by your mirror. Remind yourself of it daily and keep your eyes on realistic endpoints.

Set a Goal 

The mindset you need to be in to achieve a sustainable result is having a realistic goal. Experts consider  a one to two pound loss per week to be a healthy and sustainable weight loss goal. If you wish to lose 30 pounds or more, you need a calendar-based weight loss strategy.   

To get started, pick a date by which you would like to achieve a measurable success, count the number of weeks within the period and multiply that figure by a conservative per-week loss of 1.25 pounds.

A conventional approach is to count on crushing 10% of your weight in six months. Adjust your lifestyle towards meeting your goals. Another essential step is to set non-weight related goals that are also geared towards achieving your fitness goals. 

Don’t Go on a Diet

Several expert views suggest that diet is not a sustainable weight loss strategy because it could be likened to deprivation.

While counting out foods or groups of foods isn’t realistic for the majority of people, it’s noteworthy that 80% of weight loss strategy comes from controlling what you eat. But, importantly, this revolves around permanent lifestyle changes.

If you start a weight loss diet, you may end up binging on food and eventually give up on your fitness goals. To achieve a sustainable result, you need to focus on healthy options in what you eat. Don’t focus on what you can’t eat – focus on eating more of the things you should, such as consuming fruits, vegetables, lean protein and whole grains, etc.

Do Some Math

It’s been said that one pound of fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories. So, if you need to lose one pound per week, you must create a calorie deficit – the difference between what you take in a what you burn – of 3,500 calories per week.

First, check your weight. Then multiply the figure by 11. That will give you a rough estimate of the calories your body needs every day to maintain your current body state. If you can subtract 500 calories per day from your food intake then you can lose one pound in a week.

As soon as you understand how many calories you need to maintain your weight, reduce the number to lose weight. But you can also increase your body’s calorie requirement by exercising.

This means that if you want to lose a pound per week, you can lower your calorie intake by 500 calories or increase your calorie burn by that amount. If you do both, your calorie deficit will be 1,000 calories per day, and you can lose two pounds per week. The bottom line is to eat fewer calories than you burn every day.

Develop Your Strategy

If you hope to make any meaningful progress in your weight loss journey, you must develop a personalized fitness strategy. Note that deprivation is not a sustainable strategy.

Healthy calorie-regulated meals combined with increased activity are a sure way to get started towards long-term positive changes.

A good way to begin crushing body fat is through steady aerobic activity for at least 30 minutes per day. Individual differences apply, and this means that some people may need more intense physical activity. Regular exercises will help to burn calories you find difficult to burn. 

Do Your Homework

One of the greatest challenges to losing weight, especially if you are overweight, is misinformation. Doing your homework means getting your information right. You may need to get in touch with a nutritionist to get hands-on knowledge on how you can develop healthier meal-modifying weight-loss strategies.

While figuring out what nutrition works for you, remember that adopting a new meal style must include lowering your calorie intake. At the same time, lowering calories doesn’t mean deprivation or giving up your meal’s taste.

The best way to lower your calories is to consume more plant-based food and ensure you do not sacrifice nutrition or taste in the process.

Exercise Matters if You’re Overweight

Do not assume that fitness programs and workouts are for bodybuilders alone. High-intensity training could also play a huge role in your weight loss journey. If you are unsure of which category you belong in, you may use a BMI (body mass index) calculator.  

Lifting weight has its own benefits. One can achieve many positive things if the person is lifting weights (obviously as per their capacity), apart from losing bodyweight, lifting weights help in improving posture, maintaining peaceful sleep patterns, lowering inflammation and boosting metabolism. To know the advantages of lifting heavy weights you can visit southfloridaathleticclub.com.

Tips to Start a Workout Routine

The first point of a sustainable workout routine is a health check. You must be sure you’re healthy enough to undertake serious physical activity.

You can consult your physician to ensure that you are fit enough for the routine you are planning. If you are on medication, especially for high blood pressure, you should have regular health monitoring.

Once you’re are certified fit for intense workouts, get suitable active wears, footwear and fitness equipment that will make your sessions comfortable.

Mind your nutrition and drink sufficient water to avoid dehydration. Proper hydration helps muscle recovery after workouts. To ensure optimal results, you need to start with serious workouts in a short time while keeping the workout period the same.

Best Workouts for Obese People

If you are overweight, all of the exercises listed below are suitable for you. All you have to do is go with what interests you.

Walking for most people is a great choice. Walking is low impact and helps to enhance the strength and mobility of the lower body.

If you are new to the workout regime, you can start with 10 to 15 minutes per day and progress slowly. What should matter to you is consistency and not pace, especially at the start.

Biking provides a great opportunity to burn calories with minor impacts on the joints. You can use a recumbent bike, cross trainer or even portable peddler.

What’s important here is to start gradually and ensure consistency in pursuit of your goals. You may pedal for five minutes, rest and pedal again for another five minutes before thinking of increasing the duration.

Aqua jogging is also a workout you may consider. It simply means running in the water with the aid of buoyancy belt. Your legs shouldn’t touch the floor of the pool. As usual, start slowly and gradually increase the pace and duration.

Other workouts that can benefit obese people include group exercise classes, strength training, and various mind-body exercises like yoga, Tai Chi or pilates.


Losing weight, especially if you are obese, requires creating a personal strategy with enough motivation to get you started.

Before starting your fitness exercise, make sure you are certified fit. Meanwhile, staying motivated is as important as creating a plan that helps you to achieve your fitness goals.

No matter the type of exercise you choose, the most important thing is consistency. Keep a journal of your progress and do not forget to reward little successes.