Cindy Winters, CSM, CPM, is the principal and owner at Eagle Commercial Realty Services. She is also the president of AZCREW.
Q: What is AZCREW doing to identify the next generation of commercial real estate professionals and encourage their participation in the community?
A: We are in the early stages of creating a CREW Careers Program that we would like to launch in the fall of 2018 for a program to be held in the spring of 2019. In collaboration with Arizona State University’s W.P. Carey Master of Real Estate Development (MRED) program and ASU’s Recruitment, Outreach and Student Engagement Department, we will identify area high schools where we will create a curriculum to promote and highlight the multifaceted disciplines in commercial real estate.
Our hope is to build a pathway to the student’s future and success by offering a program that educates them and makes them aware of opportunities available to them in commercial real estate. This would be for both their post-secondary education and as a career path. Students enrolled in the MRED program will help implement the CREW Careers Program. With this engagement, AZCREW will identify and develop students at both levels to inspire them on their path to their future in commercial real estate.
Q: What events have highlighted AZCREW’s networking and community efforts
A: As part of our Professional Development series, we held our 2nd annual Women in Action event led by Kathy B. Dempsey, CSP, RN, MED about shedding and how change is more effective when individuals identify, embrace, and celebrate change. Kathy facilitated the program by helping attendees focus on how to move their organizations ahead with forward thinking, focused on new behaviors. We also held our 17th annual Golfiesta at Moon Valley Country Club benefiting AZCREW and the YWCA. We anticipate proceeds from this event and the Caddie Auction will net approximately $30,000.
AZCREW also participated in UMOM’s weekly literacy program reading to children who reside at the shelter. Along with our monthly happy hour mixers and frequent book club offerings, we are in the planning stages for our 8th annual Black & White Affair to be hosted in early November. A portion of the proceeds provide scholarships for students enrolled in ASU’s MRED program. Over the past several years AZCREW has awarded $38,000 in scholarships with a goal to award another $10,000 in 2018.
Q: What new programs is AZCREW undertaking?
A: Our Legacy Committee is hard at work on our 2nd annual Divas & Darlings event with a new Pay It Forward program. Our goal is to create a Legacy Circle of members in which industry influencers identify the next generation of rock stars to inspire and encourage as they journey through their careers.
Q: What would you like AZCREW’s legacy to be in the community and in the industry?
A: We would like to be known as the premier resource, referral and business networking organization whose members are acknowledged as business generators and leaders. Our mission is to be an organization that cares about its community and gives back to its membership by developing them into industry influencers.
Our vision is to be recognized as the premier commercial real estate organization that is a leader in the advancement and success of women within the commercial real estate industry. We will accomplish this through leadership, professional relationships, education and excellence.